The Best Picture Framing Ideas for Your Cherished Prints, Photos, and Artworks!

Choosing a frame that works for your piece of art, photo, or prints is as personal as selecting the piece itself! We all know what makes picture framing look unsightly, but the real question is, what can complement and even enhance the loved object or image?

Key questions for picture framing are to consider, first, where you want to hang the piece, also, how dark, colourful or light is the image you want to frame, and what sort of statement you want to say with the framing? For example, a wedding photograph can be finished perfectly with either a sleek, minimalist framing for a home that has an emphasis on lines and light leaving a contemporary impression. Or, for a house filled with soft furnishings and cosy atmosphere, a decorative frame can complement impeccably.

It’s also important to think about picture framing collectively through-out the house. Picking a style that is consistent through the room brings harmony and balance – critical to the home! However, frames that deliberately “un-match” can bring quirky, eclectic style, such as mixed black and white frames; vintage oval frames in different metals and colours; or bright colours with patterns. The key is to pick designs that work together, and then play with dimensions and shape.

Shadow boxes can be exceptional for objects, such as sculptures or shells. Floating picture frames can highlight a great family moment or a travel photo you don’t want to forget. Poster framing can help avoid the room looking like a student dorm, a simple black, white, or light wood framing can add glamour from the movies. Document framing in an uncomplicated, dark wooden frame can make your office look as professional as you are, making your proudest moment evident for all those who see it.

Just as picture framing is an essential part of interior design, play around with perspective. Hanging your frames, leaning them against walls on the floor or shelves or freestanding on a table or dresser can bring a world of difference – to highlight or embellish your favourite images or objects!


Special Thanks:

Celebrant Northern Beaches: Marry Us Gary

Florist Northern Beaches : Emporio Manly

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